Tuesday, April 6, 2010

0 Water the important factor of Life

The Term “Nature” is used in the broader way. The Nature consist of the following

1. Plants

2. Animals

3. Geology

4. Weather

5. Environment

6. Mountains

7. Water

God has created this beautiful earth, the sky, mountains and this universe. We human beings are living in the Earth and when we start thinking on this Earth that God has given us everything. God has created a great nature just to please the mankind.

Allah says in Quran about water that:

“Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece, then We parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” [21:30]

Modern Science and Chemical Scientist confirm that water is the basic necessity of life. Our cell is composed of water. Chemist proves that water is important and is used in human body in the form of changes and reactions. In fact our Earth is composed of water which is 71% and 29 % dry land. We all know the importance of water in our daily life as we human beings cannot live without water we use to drink water, we use it for cleanliness. Animal and plants need water. It is predicted that third world war will be on Water.

Water has three states that is liquid form, solid form and in gas form. Liquid form refer to the Oceans, Lakes, Rivers and streams while solid form in Earth refers to Ice, glaciers and gas are the water vapors or steam. Thus water is the important component of the life.


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